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Team moves from 6th to 1st on G2 in 8 months

In 8 months, my team and I have moved from #6 to #1 on G2. All of you who work on reviews and fight the quarterly depreciation know the struggle. So yes, I am bragging about it! πŸ˜„ Woo hoo![…]948651503616-MHDP?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop


Congrats to you and the Absorb team on this huge achievement, Rachel!!

Huge congratulations, Rachel! Would love to hear more about what worked well for your team!

Happy to share !

Congrats!!! Here's a handy (free) tool to track your weekly progress across all categories πŸ˜‡

Amazing! And so great that you're tooting your own horn. We don't do this nearly enough

Thanks . We're pretty excited to have hit the goal we set in less than a year. Appreciate the encouragement to brag ❀

Congratulations ! Would love to connect and see what’s missing or can be improved in the strategies I’ve launched so far.

Im PTO next week, but happy to connect.

or, if she won't kill me, you can always connect with my Advocacy Manager who has recently taken over the program and could explain what we're doing πŸ™‚ (it includes a large chunk of our customer marketing budget being allocated to third party reviews and incentivizing our CS team heavily to ask customers directly vs. campaign work)

OK, Rachel Ward I am not, but you can steal what I have here:

And Rachel & Sarah can share their tips to build on that!

I work on reviews too and had some personal wins too (mostly on Gartner) but if you are happy, shall we sync and exchange best practices? But most important thing CONGRATULATIONS!

on my team now manages reviews. πŸ˜„ She joined us recently. She would be best to sync with!

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