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Seeking Feedback on CustomerXCon 2024 Value

Hi All! Has anyone ever been to the CustomerXCon in the past? If so, did you believe it was valuable? Were you able to show any value to your exec teams upon your return? It looks interesting and I see some familiar faces but would love some anecdotal feedback to share with my VP so I can make a case to go 😉


Hi Kyle! I’ve been to the last 3 and have been on the planning committee for the past 2. It’s DEFINITELY worth going—great learnings, really stellar group of people, and well organized conference.

That's awesome , thanks for that!!! Also congrats for being on the planning committee... I know that has to be a LOT but super rewarding 😄

Honestly, Lauren’s session last year was worth attending the whole thing. 🙂

I took notes in all the sessions I attended and brought them back to my team. They found those truly valuable.

I enjoyed last years sessions but the in-person time with virtual peers from here and meeting other folks in a relaxed environment was great too!

Thank you all, is the cost strictly 1295.00 or are there other factors/promos that can bring the price down? Just thinking through what approvals I'd need to go through and what questions may be asked.

Went last year and am returning this year. It’s an awesome event where you actually get to meet people and legitimately learn things you can implement.

There are discounts if you bring multiple people.

Also returning this year. Loved meeting all my internet friends IRL! ❤ I believe there are ticket discounts available through vendors/sponsors and presenters. If you're working with any vendors it's always worth asking!

I see you are in Philly, so an easy and low cost plane ride. The Xcon team is well organized and the other participants are very welcoming.

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