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Rebuilding Salesforce Customer Reference Tracking Program

Asking for help for those of you who track customer references in Salesforce - I'm tasked with rebuilding this program from nothing and my ops team needs a clear outline of exactly what to track for each record and stage and I'm a bit overwhelmed trying to map it all out for them. Does anyone have experience building this with sales ops that could share a project brief/outline or the like with me pretty please?


Do you have budget, or does it all need to be done internally? A plugin like Orca or an add-on software platform like RefEdge or Champion could help a lot with automatic tracking and scoring. Otherwise, I could give you a quick manual rundown

No budget, all internal 🫠 TY!

Sometimes just expressing it out loud that you need to finish something you're stuck on helps move the needle 🤣 TY for offering to help, but I think I figured it out finally. Submitted the brief to ops and they're already loving it. Crossing fingers it all flows from here

Hi - not sure if this will help, but I used to create campaign codes to attach to each activity ( I know, its sounds like alot) but it helped me run a report to share the different stages and advocacy activities of ALL advocates loaded into SFDC. Feel free to ping me, and we can jump on a quick call too

We did it all internally in SFDC at my last place.

I run mine all internally on SFDC! I was not the original person who built it so I don't have the project plan, unfortunately, but I'm more than happy to hop on a call and walk through it with you!

Hi Amanda, There is a lot to think through, but tracking your advocacy efforts in Salesforce is not a huge lift. It will involve adding some fields at the contact and account levels, and I would recommend creating an Advocacy task to track recruitment/onboarding, request fulfillment, and/or customer evidence creation.
I am also happy to share some ideas 1:1 and show you some that I have created with my clients.

Hey Amanda! I’ve built out two reference programs in sfdc. My current one was built via the case management process and is only available on the opportunity level. From there I have a dashboard that includes status of the oppty and status of the references. I can also tag the customer who took the call.

Hi Amanda! Before I had the funding for a tool, I did this in scdc also. We prioritized it at the contact level, had Check boxes if the were reference-able, activities, and influenced revenue. The real question is how much time is your sales / marketing opps team willing to dedicate to the project? It would 100% be cheeper to buy Okta. Happy to jump on a call.

Thank you everyone! I might take some of you up on a call about this since I couldn’t make yesterday’s master mind chat once I get a bit father down the line with ops. I appreciate you all!

I set up an AOA tracking field in SFDC with my sales ops team. One thing I asked for was the option (not required) to attach an opportunity to the act of advocacy. This allowed me to report on influenced revenue from customer reference calls, specifically, that led to closed won deals. I also tracked all other AOAs, had a time stamp to mark the last AOA to ensure I was not over-tapping my advocates. The advocate field lived on the contact record. I would also recommend getting the team you are working with to build you out some preliminary reports so you are ready to roll with metrics once everything is up and running.

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