Had so much fun tackling the crazies of sales references today with everyone 🤪
Thank you to those who joined and thank you to those are who are interested in catching the recording! We talked about getting in front of sales, enabling sales to use your process, and figuring out how to solve the tricky challenge of getting the black book out of the hands of sellers who just don't want to share their contacts.
We'll be back at it next month! Hope you can join and bring some questions/topics for us to discuss! We'll also be getting an update from and on their progress! 🥹
PS - I did give a shoutout to 's slick set up with Deeto. Perri, you've got some folks who are interested in seeing how things work at Ada!
TY and - here is the recording link https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/PQl10b0pPSsMxWrn8AFVYn2aEuUsQF7eu3ukNii3GRy2KIygD9ZlRVXdg0Ke6g90.SWRURvsvMhQOhgtY