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Fake reviews from g2's invite program

Have any of you dealt with fake reviews from G2 and their invite program? I'm kind of at my wit's end with monitoring a couple of our listings that contain pretty obviously fake or chatGPT generated reviews from customers and accounts that don't exist in our CRM.


That’s a good question for

Hey Ugh, I am so sorry to hear this, that's super frustrating!

As far as I know, this doesn't happen often, usually our moderation team catches fake reviews before they're published. We also have programs in place specifically for catching AI generated reviews, but sometimes they do slip through the cracks.

I reached out to your G2 account team and it sounds like this has been escalated and they're working directly with our moderation team to get this cleaned up and make sure we avoid things like this in the future. (I know that doesn't help much right now, but I'll also raise this concern internally where I can too!)

totally not your fault, but I appreciate the follow through! I have escalated this before with our account team and it unfortunately keeps popping up, particularly with the G2 sourced reviews.

I have noticed a striking increase in rejected reviewed sourced by G2. I haven't had many of them get published but dozens have been submitted and rejected for being AI generated or not an actual customer.

Bummer! It has happened to me once before. Curious where you were sourcing reviews when this occurred? Direct email campaign? Sharing within your community space? And I'm assuming these were incentivized reviews?

we weren't sourcing the reviews at all. They're part of G2's review sourcing function. My understanding from conversations with the product team is that they search LinkedIn and other 3rd party data sources to find contacts with similar job titles and invite them to leave reviews. This isn't based on any list or data we provide; it's just their own outreach. And yes, they're incentivized.

it was happening much more frequently back in December. I know they have a tool that is supposed to catch AI-generated reviews. I asked what platform they used or how they were developing their LLM to screen for these, and the product team didn't want to go into further detail. I put them into Co-Pilot and asked the AI to tell me if they were likely fake or real, and it pretty readily identified the reviews I had flagged as fake.

On the flip side of rejecting all AI-generated reviews are customers who use it to ASSIST them in writing a review. I invited a known customer champion to write us a review on G2 and it was rejected because he used ChatGPT to help. I'm on the fence about this, as this was an actual customer using a tool to help him. He still had to write his own prompt summarizing his experience -- it wasn't complete BS from a fake person or bot.

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