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Customer evidence in lead generation and sales

❓Question for the group. What are your thoughts about how customer evidence (case studies, quotes, videos, etc) can support lead generation and sales? Examples welcome! :thank_you:


So, I am a firm believer in ungated case studies.

THAT SAID, something I've done before is have case studies ungated on the website and then included a button to download a PDF. That PDF is behind a form. So lead capture + impacts our lead scoring/shows maybe higher intent.

We're working now on how customer evidence can be used in the sales process -- recently brought in an awesome VP of Solutions Engineering who is helping us with that, since our team was not used to leveraging customer evidence (other than references) in the sales process.

This is great, Shannon. Thank you for the response!

At Google Cloud, I managed the Scaled Program. I used TechValidate to do customer surveys to quickly create a library of customer evidence (quotes, statistics, NPS scores). We used that information in collaboration with the Campaigns team. Response rates were much higher when we used customer evidence. I don’t remember the exact numbers but I know the response rates were at least 2% higher.

Thanks I have used TV in the past and have been using UserEvidence.

Cool! I used that at Splunk. Great stuff.

You could create an ebook that compiles a few customer stories that have the same focus - like the same use case or same initial challenge. You could gate it and promote it as a lead magnet. (I'm with that it's usually not a good idea to gate customer stories, but fine to gate an ebook or the PDF version of the story.)

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