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Award design inspiration

For those who have done awards programs, can you share what you've done for the digital and physical awards? (trophy, plaques, glass award, social cards, etc.). Would love to share inspiration with my designer (and can pull this together for us all to reference in the future).


Hi . I launched the awards program at Talkdesk when I was previously there. At the time, we gave winners a physical trophy and created a social media kit for the winners. Not sure if it’s still used today but we also had created a unique logo for the awards program that we put on the trophies and all of our assets. We also launched a landing page for the program that displayed the winners and some honorable mentions for each category. Before I left, we even worked on an ebook of all the winners (available on the landing page). The program has evolved a lot since I was last there. I believe has more up-to-date details on it.

I love the idea of the ebook and the digital badge! Will share with our designer for inspiration

Thanks for the tag ! I am up to speed and will share everything with you, Shannon!! πŸ’œ

I've done digital badges, acrylic statues, and profiles on the website/social media

I personally love the physical awards Zapier is giving away this year!

Talkdesk has used these trophies for the last few years (I can share the Etsy vendor link if you'd like). We're thinking of making some changes this year! TBD on that front.

From a digital standpoint we do the following: social cards (past year's winners to advertise for nominations, announcement of winners), landing page (you can also see the badges on the landing page), ebook, and a masterclass webinar. We also created social cards for the advocates to advertise they were a winner on their own page.

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At Gong, we've done both physical awards and digital (times square billboards that we used for social announcements).

I love the trophies that G2 gave out this year. I think they're acrylic but looked super classy and chic.

We got gorgeous awards from Society Awards (they were crystal gorillas to match our logo!). They were not cheap (~$1,000 each) but were so beautiful and really special. They do have some lower cost options

CRYSTAL GORILLAS. 😍 do you have photos?

Yes! Our winners posted them on social as well, which got great traction


These are SO fancy!

Here it is IRL via LinkedIn post. I have not gotten budget to make them again πŸ˜‚ but they were awesome

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