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Are Companies Sending Gifts to Customers for the Holiday Season?

Has anyone sent customers gifts for the holiday season? I'm curious what other people are doing in terms of:

  • what (do you send them a gift basket? something more personal)
  • why (just because it's the holidays? because they're amazing and this season is about giving?)
  • how (tied into the what - is there a way to make it more exciting than traditional gift giving?)

Thanks in advance!


We shifted our focus from giving to individuals to supporting charitable organizations, selecting ones that align with our customers' industry. For example, recognizing the significant labor shortage in field services (the industry of our target audience), we donated to organizations that provide free training for individuals to enter the field, gain new IT skills, and advance their careers. We also had our CEO create a short video about this initiative, which we then shared with our customers.

Previously, we used Postal to create curated gift collections for our sales team to send to customers. These were personalized gifts featuring our branding, and I really enjoyed using the tool. However, we eventually discontinued it due to budget constraints, unrelated to the platform itself. At the time, it was more affordable compared to other gift-giving software.

I’ve only received a gift once. It was nice. I’ve received handwritten notes. Those were better.

We created branded holiday stationary, had the CSMs hand-write notes to top accounts, and mailed them out via snail mail. That generated great customer feedback.

Thank you for these suggestions, love them!

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