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New client welcome gift ideas for multiple recipients

Curious if anyone has ideas for new client welcome gifts? Ideally would like to send something premium that could go to all parties - the signatory, decision maker/champion and practitioner of the client


I’m not sure if this has been done before, but the idea struck me as a good one. What if when a customer begins implementation & training, we introduced them to an “onboarding buddy - a like-minded customer, who has successfully implemented & is up & running tracking ROI in a similar use-case?” I’m modeling this idea from my own experience of onboarding into my role & having the comfort of a buddy I can reach out to & exchange ideas, learn through their mistakes & rearview mirror lens. This customer connection could be a gift through the introduction & curated interactions for growth & community.

Love the idea, !

- haven't done new client welcome gifts in a while, but what we just did for a different program was established a budget and a few options that fit that budget. We then offered customers the option to pick which gift they wanted. That seemed to go over well!

I’m a big fan of Sendoso & branded apparel that folks will actually wear. When I worked at Salesforce we had a swag store, & I purchased a jacket for myself that I kept in the office for chilly days. Recently I shipped a box of my former employer’s useful swag to a friend who was recently hired, just before Dreamforce.

Many years ago (when people were more centrally located in offices) we sent a swag kit to the implementer. In it, there was a 'treasure map' we created with specific onboarding milestones in it. If they completed all the steps in the map before 30 days we gave their team a pizza party. We had a few customers hit that milestone and they all enjoyed it. I know that things like this are much harder to do today though... 😢

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