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Executives struggle to stay engaged between calls in Slack community

I manage a community of director-level and above, mostly executives/CMOs, with monthly calls and we have a very hard time keeping them engaged in the times between calls in our Slack community. What tips and tricks have moved the needle in your executive communities?


Honestly, I have found execs to the be ones who pop in and out when they have a question mostly but are most drawn in by:

  • Learning in an exclusive, psychologically safe space
  • Events — IRL or virtual
  • Relationship building/networking

I’ve never really seen execs consistently engaged in a Community. When it happens, it’s been the exception to the rule, not the rule.

Ugh I know, thank you ! I know you and I have chatted about this before 😵

In all seriousness, I think it’s all about them starting the convo vs a CM driving it. Communities with a QOTD just feels too forced to get something whereas I’d rather of have sporadic engagement but the value for members is high — my $.02.

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