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Customer resource center requirements

Hi everyone! I am currently putting together a list of requirements for a "Customer Resource Center". Not necessarily an LMS, although my requirements document will definitely include components of one (just probably ranked lower). Right now we just have a landing page on Hubspot with links to different resources for customers. I'm curious if any of you have done this and have a list put together? Or if not, maybe you could just share your top things you look for when evaluating vendors/building out a resource center? My goal is to be able to determine if we can continue getting by with just a landing page or what it would look like to build out a robust resource center for our customers, and what vendors would make sense for us to evaluate right now.


Update: I used chatGPT for this and it was immensely helpful. Highly recommend!

We are also working on something like this right now, but we are also building filters into it so that our customers can dial down by business segment, level of difficulty, persona, etc.

We are having our web team build it out on our website

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