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Brainstorming Ideas for Customer Feedback and Storytelling Booth

Hey everyone. I'm working with our CS and clinical team for our annual customer event. We're brainstorming on a few things: A feedback corner (we're thinking an interactive type of area where customers can submit product feedback or contribute to a wish list) as well as an interactive type of booth or area where customers can share their stories with our product, or AI technology in general. Has anyone done something related to these two things and had success? Even technically, how did you do it? Thanks! #question


One thing I always like doing when gathering customer feedback is to give them fake money to vote with. So for example, everyone gets 10 fake $10 bills. They can then choose to put all that money on one thing that really, really matters to them, or divide it up amongst several features that are interesting to them. It makes it kind of interactive plus it drives home the point that there are trade-offs when developing features.

This could be a good opportunity to ask them to write G2 or Gartner Peer Insight reviews in real time. You could have tablets or laptops loaded with the correct URLs, etc. I'd also have members of the product marketing team there to demo new or upcoming features to get their feedback, etc. The Wish List idea is a good one too--this could be another self-service area.

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