Customer award program KPIs...
Thanks to everyone who answered previous questions about customer awards. I'm being asked to add KPIs to tracking. For those of you who have run awards (I inherited this, so I don't know how we measured previously), how did you measure the program and its success? What were your overall goals?
I'm looking for a really good promotions vendor for branded items. Someone you've worked with who creates quality stuff? Specifically for awards, as we're working on some customer awards. It's a really small number, though, so finding something under 5 is proving tough. It's only the 2nd time we've done awards and the last time was 2 1/2 years ago, so the award we did use doesn't seem to exist.
There are so many companies that do promotions & branded stuff that it's difficult to know who does good work! If you have someone you love, please let me know. I believe the focus will be US for now, so located in and able to ship for US for now. (If that changes I'll update)